- Maya Angelou
adjective |in·tel·li·gent | inˈteləjənt/
: possessing the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
noun | in·ten·tion | inˈten(t)SH(ə)n/ | plural noun: intentions
: The action of planning or meaning to do something specific as one’s purpose or objective.
Intelligent Intentions is a life and business coaching service under the direction of Ms. Elle Michell.
As the name suggests, the methods of coaching braid together the client’s ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills with prescriptive actions in the direction of their purpose or objective. What is your objective?!
Intelligent Intentions assist clients with accessing the full arc of their freedom and guide them to the essence of their authentic self; creating a foundation which affords clients the opportunity to french kiss possibilities.
The coaching methods are creative, unconventional and designed to SNATCH clients out of their comfort zone.
Participating in this community requires an open mind and a willing spirit.
Over the years, Elle has often encountered people who want the impact of change without actually doing anything different.
NEWSFLASH! CHANGE REQUIRES CHANGE!!! Change is uncomfortable and people embrace change at different speeds. As such, Elle has made a few options available to help you evolve.
Explore your options below…
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Think Tank Membership
This online community is for THINKERS who are ready to embrace change in the direction of their personal, career and/or business goals.
One-on-One Coaching
These intentional conversations are designed to coach you through life’s transitions or coach you through creating a roadmap for success in life, career or business.